The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by our President, Rick Richardson.
Rick led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rick asked if we had any new members or guest. We had 3 upcoming new members, Jack Whitis with a 2023 C8 and Ron and Sally Lynn with a 2024 C8. We have Carl and Ellen Handschke returning as members with a 2009 Crystal Red C6. Rick pointed out that we have return members Tim and Martha Hill.
Corvette Trivia:
1. Door panels became one piece molded units in 1960, 1965 or 1968? Hooray for Jackie!
2. What was the displacement of the 1956 V-8 engine? 265, 283, or 327. Robert got this one!
3. Did 1964 Corvettes have a split rear window? Yes or No. Bob V. somehow knew this one.
Treasurer’s Report: Anita read the treasurer’s report. Jim made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as written and, Larry seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Minutes: Rick announced the minutes have been posted on the website and have been emailed to all of the members who have provided email addresses. Steve made the motion to waive the reading of the minutes and to accept the minutes as written. Bob V. seconded the motion. All were in Favor of accepting the minutes as written and posted.
NCM Update: Rich Gander was not present.
Member Update Coordinator: Roseanna was not present but provided Rick with her list of recipients. In October Roseanna sent Get Well cards to Susan Ricci, Ken Gentry, Cheryl Clark, Jim & Cheryl Clark, John McMahon, Ken Gentry and Dawn Shatto (Trigger Finger). In November she sent Get Well cards to Jackie Capponi, Bob Vehmeier, Chuck Cook, Ken Gentry, Merilyn King (surgery) and Susan Ricci.
November Birthdays; Cheryl Axtell, Rick Richardson, Betsy Wedge, Brenda Allen. November Anniversaries; John & Jan Seber
December Birthdays; Maureen Brown, Pete Capponi, Jackie Capponi, Peg Kepler and Rick Gunnell. December Anniversaries; Charlene and Steve Minger, Maureen and Doug Brown and Cheryl and Jim Clark.
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all who celebrated one the last part of November, the month of December and the first part of January.
Facebook: No comment
Old Business:
American Muscle-Website Logo. Still working on it.
National Corvette Museum – Deborah Murphy one of the BOD of the Corvette Museum spoke to the club members. Rick stated our ambassador for the club is Rich Gander, who was not present. She addressed the members about some of the rumors that are filtering through the Corvette Museum membership. She explained there have been changes made and it is difficult for some to accept change especially those who have been with them for a couple/several decades. She believes the changes made are more about keeping up with today’s technology and what is trending. She encouraged the members to remain members of the Corvette Museum. Through the memberships and fundraisers, this is how the museum stays in business, it is not from the tourist that come through the museum. She informed the members that if they want to tour the plant it can be arranged as a club group. She took questions from the members.
By-Law Revision – Annual Dues & Namer Badges; The board had discussed and suggested increasing the membership dues from $35.00 annually to $50.00. Rick had ballots handed out to the members to vote yes or no to the increase. Cindy and Bob V. collected the ballots and counted those ballots. The count was 29 – Yes and 6 – No. The 2024 By-Laws changes will be made to reflect the membership dues from $35.00 to $50.00 per year starting January 2025. The By-Laws will also state the nametags will not be included in the membership dues. If a member wants a nametag, it will be $10.00 per tag, the nametags will be optional.
New Business:
Future Events – Rides, Dinners etc. – Trip to Bowling Green? Terry announced there will be a ride and dine December 17th., that’s a Tuesday, to 3 Bananas in Crescent City.
Nomination of 2025 Club Officers: Every position is opened. If anyone would like to run, contact Maureen in charge of our Nomination Committee. Anita needs to step down, so we definitely need someone for the Treasurers position.
2024 Christmas Party is December 6, Friday, it will be at the Grand Hall in Pennbrooke Fairways. We will have the White Elephant at 4:00 p.m. and the dinner will be at 5:30 p.m. For those who want to participate in the White Elephant bring one gift per car for up to $20.00.
The dinner will be catered by HP Grille consisting of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, broccoli/cauliflower/carrots, salad, roll, a dessert mixture, coffee and tea. The cost will be $35.00, which covers the cost of the meal, tip and cleaning the hall. For those attending they need to pay no later than December 1, 2024 for a head count to be given to HP Grille. There is no refund for a no show.
Vann Gannaway Logo- We will be able to have our sponsors logo embroidered on the bottom of the left sleeve of our shirts. Vann Gannaway will pay Tip Top the initial set up fee and from then on when you order the shirt it will have the logo on the bottom of the left sleeve.
Past Event Reports:
Highway 441 Monthly Cruise In- October – 1 car, November – 1 car.
Bee’s RV Resort- October – 9 cars – Door Prize won by Mike M. November – 12 cars – Door Prizes won by Dawn, Pete & Chuck C. – 50/50 won by Barbara T.
Leesburg Cruise- In- October – No Show. November ?
Eustis Cruise In – September – 3 cars. October – No Show.
Gator Harley- No Shows.
Drive and Dine- Swamp House Riverfront Grill – 8 cars. Anyone is able to do a drive and dine just coordinate with Butch Nielsen.
Flash Mob @ Haystax – 5 cars. This was a breakfast.
15th. Anniversary Dinner- 39 members attended the dinner at Takis and afterwards 19 members drove to Russell Stover for ice cream.
Honor Flight Mission #63 Escort- 3 cars
Villages Vettes Toys for Tots Car Show – 10 cars.
Gateway Church Fellowship Cruise In- 6 cars
Saints & Sinners Car Show – 11 cars – Door prizes won by all, except Barbara T.
Corvette’s Coast to Coast- Butch won 3rd place with Z 06 and Chuck K. won door prize. Mike Smith was the third member who attended.
2024 CCMC 40th Anniversary All Corvette Show- 15 cars – Gift baskets won by Maureen and Diana. Sponsor Trophy won by Butch, Participants Trophies won by Chuck K., Larry, Rick R. Butch, and Barbara.
Ongoing Monthly Events:
Bee’s RV Resort Car Show- 1st. Saturday of the month – 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Highway 441 Monthly Cruise-In- 1st Wednesday of the month-5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Leesburg Cruise-In- 2nd. Saturday of the month 4:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Eustis Cruise-In – 4th Saturday of the month-2:00 to 5:00 p.m. (suggest you arrive between 12:30/1:00 in order to park together)
Gator Harley Davidson- 5th Saturday of the month 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Upcoming Activities:
Field of Dreams Car Show – November 23 & 24, 2024. Brooksville. Supports Shriners Hospital for Children
Brevard County Toy Run – December 7, 2024.
St. Johns River Dinner Cruise – February 2025
Open Discussion
Ron Larmore asked to talk about the two upcoming events. Cape Kennedy Corvette Club Toy Run on December 7th. We will meet at the Turkey Lake Turnpike Plaza at 11:15 a.m.. They will proceed to the Walmart Distribution Center, Cocoa, FL where they will have a police escort to the final destination. For those who want to attend, bring an unwrapped toy, bring a chair, lunch and beverage.
Ron is planning February 12th., Wednesday, a St. John’s lunch boat cruise. Sanford Paddlewheel boat, about 3 hours at the cost of $80.00 per person.
Time for 50/50. Winning ticket held by Barry Whitney.
Next Meeting:
Planning Meeting will be on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. at Vann Gannaway.
General Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at the Tavares Community Church Activity Center in Tavares at 7:00 p.m.
Adjourned – Motion to adjourn at 8:15 by Doug B. and seconded by Andy C. All members in favor.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Charlene Minger
Secretary of Club
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